

The role of historians is key in the history of humanity because their objective is to investigate the past to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. Furthermore, they often bring to light the history of unique individuals who, due to circumstances, have not received the recognition they deserve, especially in the case of women. This documentary focuses on the work of the historian Aïda Sánchez, who rescued Dolours Vives Rodon from oblivion, one of the pioneering women in piloting aircraft in our country and who played a vital role during the Spanish Civil War.

Director Biography – Marta Arjona, Maite Blasco


Mi mundo ha girado siempre en torno a la imagen y el movimiento, rodeándome de danza desde los dos años de edad y con una cámara colgada al cuello desde los 4. Tras Graduarme en Comunicación Audiovisual y Periodismo, en 2015 creo y dirijo DansPXL, productora audiovisual y fotográfica especializada en danza y artes escénicas focalizándonos en la creación de cortos de danza y especialmente en explicar historias de memoria y mujeres. Nuestros proyectos han dado la vuelta al mundo siendo premiados y seleccionados en distintos festivales como Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Elche (España), Rollout Dance Film Festival (China) o FICCAT (España).


Apasionada de la fotografía desde joven, no es hasta años más tarde cuando me dedico profesionalmente a ella, formándome con maestros como Abel Castro, Bea Pastor o Toni Lara. Desde 2016 soy la responsable de fotografía de Embarazo, Newborn y Familiar en Blasco Visual Studio, trabajando también en DansPXL cubriendo espectáculos de danza en formato fotográfico y audiovisual. Me estreno en el mundo del cortometraje codirigiendo en 2019 un corto solidario al lado de mi hija y he codirigido con ella y con Raquel Rodríguez el multipremiado corto de danza Memòria de les Oblidades. Actualmente sigo trabajando en nuestra productora audiovisual DansPXL y al frente de Blasco Visual Studio siempre pensando en nuevos proyectos.

My world has always revolved around images and movement. I have surrounded myself with dance since the age of two and have been carrying a camera around my neck since I was four. After graduating from Audiovisual Communication and Journalism, in 2015, I founded and directed DansPXL, an audiovisual and photographic production company specializing in dance and performing arts, focusing on creating short dance films with a particular focus on sharing stories of memories and about women. Our projects have travelled around the world, received awards and have been selected for various film festivals such as Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Elche (Spain), Rollout Dance Film Festival (China) o FICCAT (Spain).

Passionate about photography from a young age, it wasn’t until years later that I dedicated myself to it professionally, training with masters like Abel Castro, Bea Pastor, or Toni Lara. Since 2016, I have been in charge of the pregnancy, newborn, and family photoshoots at Blasco Visual Studio, also working at DansPXL, covering dance performances in photographic and audiovisual formats. In 2019, I co-directed a charity short film with my daughter, and along with her and Raquel Rodríguez, I co-directed the award-winning dance short film “Memòria de les Oblidades” (Memoirs of the Forgotten). Currently, I work at our audiovisual production company DansPXL and running Blasco Visual Studio, always thinking of new projects.