Nine Grams of Lead

Nine Grams of Lead

When an inbound Soviet missile is detected on a new computer system, an American Major finds himself in a position to launch the Atomic bomb. But tensions begin to mount when the legitimacy of the incoming threat is called into question.

Director Biography – JJ Watson

JJ was born and raised in Colorado before moving to Paris to attend Eicar International School of Film and Television. Nine Grams of Lead is his second short film. His debut short film, Peacemaker was selected for competition and screened at six international festivals as well as Paris’ prestigious La Cinémathèque Française in December 2022 where it won Best Cinematography and Best Sound Design. Peacemaker was also selected to be screened in front of a live orchestral rendition of it’s musical score at the annual Cinéconcert at the Conservatoire d’Issy-Les-Moulineaux.

Director Statement

Nine Grams of Lead is a comedic take on the terrifying history of nuclear weapons, the men behind the buttons and the fear and nationalism that drives them. Taking place over the course of the short minutes it takes for an ICMB to travel to a target, we follow the protocol and decision making process of the men responsible for the most powerful devastation ever conceived by humans. Naturally, apocalypse ensues.