5 Swords of Emperors

A boy is taken from his home cast out to live wandering after his family is killed. As he grows older he is trained in the way of the ninja to take back his once promised land and fulfill his destiny.

Director Biography – Paul desimone

Paul DeSimone has been directing movies since 2003. Award winning director from the getgo. His first feature film was his student thesis which won best film direct to video by film threat. He was accepted into NYUfilm. But had to help his family out, and stay home in Boston. One day to return back to the film industry. Paul has been writing and has over 25 scripts ready for production. He is working on finishing this film while co direction several other shorts and features in and around Boston.

Director Statement

I love film making, always will be a passion to create an idea that was just inside my head. Seeing a audience laugh or react to a film I have created is the most rewarding feeling.

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