Happy Loaf

Happy Loaf

In a not-so-distant dystopian future, two workers are summoned to their boss’s office… after screwing up once again.

Like any awkward office meeting, this sci-fi comedy ensures that every uncomfortable moment lasts entirely too long: an agony-inducing thirty-eight minutes of encapsulated capitalistic hellscape with more artificial flavors and preservatives than a carton of “Chicken Noodle Chunk.”

[Graduate Student Film Project]

Director Biography – Erik J. S. DeFries

The term “director” often evokes a mental image of someone who possesses even minimal skill at communicating with other human beings. Please disregard any such expectation. Erik DeFries exists as a manifestation of sheer awkward anxiety. His creative work is normally the direct result of an impending deadline, usually executed through complete cognitive chaos: a directed torrent of entropy and random thought, given organizational guidance in much the same way that a toddler might succeed in aiming the spray of a fire hose… that is to say, not particularly well.

Occasionally, though, some semblance of artistic form emerges that doesn’t completely offend the original idea altogether. In such cases, Erik thrusts it out into the world as a completed project, to be witnessed and experienced by others. He apologizes in advance for the inconvenience.

If this film earns a laugh from even one person, Erik will consider the entire effort a resounding success.

Director Statement

Thank you to all of my friends, family, parents, and professors, who have regularly supported and encouraged me to pursue this path.

…Especially my parents. I love you very much.