Jennifer Hull-Muniz


Jennifer’s  love for makeup began at an early age. Her mom used to sell Mary Kay, and she would  sneak samples to play with…on her face.  From there she became fascinated with how simple things like creams and powders could completely change a person’s entire face. When she was 16 her sister helped create a black eye and bloody nose look for a  YouTube video. “Watching her create the fake blood fascinated me more than anything else up to this point, and from there I was hooked!”

Jennifer discovered several different special FX channels on YouTube and dove in head-first, learning, and soaking up everything she could find! She attempted her first fake wound one night by using nothing but Elmer’s glue, red lipstick and tissue paper “That must have done the job because my dad’s reaction was priceless!”

After some research and saving (this stuff ain’t cheap, y’all!) she bit the bullet and built her very first special FX kit and began to experiment more and more. Since then, she has done special FX zombie makeup for multiple events — both corporate & film, numerous YouTube series episodes (Jennifer Shiver), as well as an eclectic Instagram featuring not just Special FX makeup — but, also her fitness journey and personal life.

It was her creativity on Instagram (@jen_jen1226) that directly led her to her most recent special FX project as the lead makeup and special FX artist on a feature length independent horror film.