Le Chemin Du Retour (The Road Home)

Le Chemin Du Retour (The Road Home)

Pretentious [pri-ten-shuhs]
1. Characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved.Art [ahrt]
1. The quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

House [noun, adjective hous; verb houz]
1. A building in which people live; residence for human beings.

Film [film]
1. A thin layer or coating
2. A thin sheet of any material
12. Movies
A. To be reproduced in a motion picture, especially in a specified manner
B. To direct, make, or otherwise engage in the production of motion pictures.

This film is short, maybe bitter sweet, and can be anything you want it to be. Drama? Sure. Arthouse? Well, yes. Comedy? If that’s your flavor, here you go. It should apply to whatever mood you want when watching a film. Enjoy!

Director Biography – James Fite

James Fite is a multi- award-winning filmmaker and founder of Check Your Brain Productions. His film, Project Mone’t, was nominated for 6 awards, and won 4, including the High Regard Film Maker Award at the Big River Film Festival in Savannah, GA, People’s Choice and Best Short Documentary at the Rendezvous Film Festival in Amelia Island, FL, and Best Short Film at the West Texas Film Festival in Odessa, TX.

His last festival run with the short film, I See something, which he wrote and directed, and has been nominated for 3 awards, and won 1. He is currently on the film festival run for Carnage Radio which he also wrote and directed.

He has been the director of many productions ranging from corporate promotional videos, scripted film reviews, shorts, and stage plays. He has been involved in several aspects of visual arts, including directing, writing, producing, acting, editing, music scoring, set design, cinematography and special effects. At one point, he worked in the video game industry as storywriter, level designer, model builder, texture artist and composer.

Director Statement

You should watch this film. It’s art. And everyone has 5 minutes to spare.